Friday 24 May 2013

LO3 - Editing

This slideshow presents evidence of editing use during unit 12, I mention decreasing Scailing from the corner and editing.


Wednesday 22 May 2013

Unit 12 - Health and Safety

                                              Health and Safety
Whilst working on the computers during the unit I had to make sure that my chair was at a suitable position and height so I am using the computer properly, if I did not sit in a suitable position whilst working on the computer I would have caused an injury to my back.
I had to take screen breaks during working at the computer because if I worked on a computer for too long I would have caused headaches and eye strains to my body, another reason I took these breaks is because if I worked for too long with no breaks I would have become very tired.
Finally I had to make sure that the air conditioning was turned on whilst I was working at the computer, the reason I had to do this is because I had to make sure that the computer did not over heat as this would cause the computer to not work and stop running. After I was finished with the computer I then shut down the computer to make sure that it was turned off and not leaving the equipment on standby.